How Much Does A Windshield Replacement Cost?

How Much Does A Windshield Replacement Cost?

    No one wants to foot the bill of replacing their vehicle's cracked windshield. But if you own a vehicle and you drive, park under trees or hang around operating lawn care equipment. Eventually you will have your windshield replace. And everyone question is how much does a windshield replacement cost? Well, lets break down the cost of a windshield replacement. 
    The cost of a windshield replacement varies on several elements. To vehicle's year, make and model. Theres a 20 year age bracket all windshield commerce under. 1 year to 5 year old glass cost is high. 5 year to 15 years old glass is medium. 15 years to 20 years old glass cost very high because of it availability. Not to many people are driving 1970 Cadillac Brougham.  It all starts with the distributors cost. The cost of parts is the base line to quoting a windshield replacement. Its all about parts availability, and with so much auto glass competition and few available parts. The distributors prices change more than often all the time. Ever called around for quotes one day and two weeks later the prices have gone up. That's because the distributor have low inventory and high demand. 
    My personal favorite, over head cost. That 2 bay building don't come cheap, I'm sure auto glass shops have monthly payments. Auto glass shops use electricity, water and phone. Best believe it's included in your quote. Employees wages cost of couple of pennies. Auto glass techs make a decent dime a year and let's not forget that pretty secretary that answers the phone. Momma don't come cheap and expect that in
crease in your quote. Lord have mercy on their pockets, lets talk about fuel cost. Some customers prefer convenience and want front door service. Guess what? You already know, fill her up, $30 on pump 2 please. Or If the customer decided to bring the vehicle in, the cost to transport the parts from the distributors to the auto glass shop. Say it with me, add it in the quote. It's best you see actual numbers to understand. Below are 2 Auto Glass Shop in Richmond, VA. They both have the same distributor.

2017 Mazda 3 Sedan Windshield Replacement Quote

    The cost of a windshield replacement can be pretty expensive or decent pending the service provider. So the next time your shopping for your next service provider. It's important to consider these key elements or be a big $330 spender. Richmond mobile auto glass shop or Williamsburg mobile auto glass shop, contact Perfect Touch Auto Glass 


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