Happy Drew Day!

Drew Day


August 14, 2021

Let me start off by saying Happy Birthday to my brother Andrew Morton aka Dexter Wiley. You can’t find another person so phenomenal. It's his born day so as a dedication or tribute to him I introduce Drew Day. 

The walk is a journey a man or woman goes through in life. I myself have my own walk, as you, him, her and so on. And I remember so many people’s walks, however, his walk has always stood out to me. As a young man, imagine watching a baseball game  as the player is running through the bases and the stadium of fans are throwing bricks, knives, spoil milk bombs, and barricades at him and in his path. And you are next up at bat, and your watching this, and the thought going through your head is shiiiiit fuck that! 

You scream out the top of your lungs Drew watch out. He just crossed second base being thrashed with all the stadium worst. He looks at the dugout because there are others awaiting their turn in fear, then looks at you and says (it ain’t that bad, somethings hurts but that too will pass) as spoil milk bomb smacks his face. Everybody in the dugout is throwing up as they watch this guy. 

Y’all this dude cuts that left around third. That walk, it was like Will Smith in Bad Boys with that purple suit strutting down the baseline. Nothing could disturb his focus, he was in the zone. As he approaches home plate, you observe him as he steps on home plate and turns towards you and he says to you. No matter what life throws at you ,you keep going, never give up and never let thoses mother fuckas see you troubled. 

However, this story has always been my walk, my journey. People like Drew, and there are many. They paved an unbreakable way to live my life. A tough way to fall life, a hard way to get up life, a you keep going cause others depend on you life, a proud life. That’s why I’m happy, that’s why I’m successful and that is why I walk like Vince McMahon. without those experiences ain’t no telling what kind of person I would be. So it’s important for me to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY DREW. 


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