
Showing posts from October, 2021

What foods are you having for the holidays

What foods are you having for the holidays SwabiDabi Octobe 13, 2021 Besides operating a small business Perfect Touch Auto Glass in Richmond, Virginia. It’s getting close to Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. And all I can think about is the great foods I know I will be munching on. Most of us look forward to Thanksgiving for many of the same reasons: food, family, friends, football, and the freedom of a day off of work . ... According to research, aside from the repast, you can probably plan the rest of your day according to tradition as well. And if you do, you are in good company.   But the tradition is more complex than merely gathering together, although that is an integral part of it. And although there is much more to the holiday than the feast itself, it is the one meal of the year where if you are planning to celebrate with friends or family, you probably know what you are having. (If you are on a special diet , plan to #BYOM: bring your own meal). So you're planning

China Really Does Control The Fate Of The United States

China Really Does Control The Fate Of The United States SwabiDabi October 10, 2021 In regards to auto glass in Richmond, Virginia foreign parts are unavailable and at high demand. The relationship with China and the Trump administration is differently showing his ass now. All those tariffs along with restrictions put into play has effected shipping and increased cost by 40%  Despite Trump’s claim that “trade wars are good, and easy to win,” the ultimate results of the phase one trade deal between China and the United States — and the trade war that preceded it — have significantly hurt the American economy without solving the underlying economic concerns that the trade war was meant to resolve. The effects of the trade war go beyond economics, though. Trump’s prioritization on the trade deal and de-prioritization of all other dimensions of the relationship produced a more permissive environment for China to advance its interests abroad and oppress its own people at home, secure in th

The US VS China Trade War Is Effecting The United States

heSEPTEMBER 16, 2021 COMMENTAR What began as a trade war over China’s unfair economic policies has now evolved into a so-called cold war propelled by differing ideologies. U.S.-China bilateral relations took a nosedive in 2018 when then U.S. president Donald Trump’s obsession with trade deficits led him to impose punitive tariffs on China. The tariffs were followed by restrictions on both China’s access to high-tech U.S. products and foreign investments involving security concerns and by allegations of unfair Chinese commercial practices. Despite pleas from the U.S. business community to ease tensions, U.S. President Joe Biden so far has amplified his predecessor’s policies by strengthening anti-China alliances and implementing additional sanctions. Biden now characterizes the U.S.-China conflict as “a battle between the utility of democracies in the twenty-first century and autocracies.” But the logic underpinning the U.S. trade war was flawed, and the more recent, politically dr

How the Trade War Between China and the United States of America Are Affecting the US Auto Glass Industry

How the Trade War Between China and  the United States of America Are Affecting the US Auto Glass Industry As the trade war between the United States of America and China has stretched from late 2018 into 2019 the extent of the tariffs being imposed has gone up and it is having an increasing effect on industries hit by the tariffs. One such industry is auto glass manufacturing. The Tariffs Explained in Brief The tariff battle arose out of disagreements between Chinese President Xi Jinping and the administration of President of the United States Donald Trump. When the two nations were unable to come to an agreement over a trade deal, the Trump administration opted to begin imposing a 10 percent tariff on goods imported to the United States from China in certain industries to pressure China into making a deal. As a response to the tariffs, China levied its own tariffs on American exports to China, opting to place particular focus on the goods coming predominantly from states which voted

2008 BMW X5
