
Showing posts from August, 2020

He Sleep!


That Dabi


Happy Halloween


Just Smile And Later We'll Rob Em Blind


Ehh! I Guess You Want Me To Entertain Ya


Hey! Welcome To The Team

  You know people like this or you're unaware of folk like this. You’re bodacious and bold with your presence. You court the attention and seek the approval of others. The mighty lion in jungle, ruler of its pride. You know your position and claim to keep its status. Its wise to assume they want to dethrone you. So you establish new connections and build new following. You’re making things happen where things didn't happen before. People make it their business to be seen with or around you. Mighty lion king of the jungle.  Lurking in the brush scuffle those hyenas once willing to sacrifice themselves for you but now want to kill you. But the time is not right, your to strong. So they lurk, recruit others of their kind and set barriers to cripple you. Now the presence is known, you see them still you know that your strong they outnumber you. You take a new path to avoid confrontation, still they follow you everywhere you go. You suddenly feel a tight pressure, you can move, y